sinful iphone repo source not working 2011

Installous “Invalid IPA” problem - CaziSoft.
sinful iphone repo source not working 2011
33 working cydia sources all checked as of 6/4/2011 - SiNfuL iPhone.This is only for discussion & help issues related to Cydia itself.. 03-17-2011, 11: 30 AM. ive been trying to add and it keeps saying url not found or something to that sort... im starting to think it doesn't exist . Enable MMS and Tethering on iPhone 2G 3.1.3 [Fixed Tutorial] - SiNfuL iPhone.
Aug 18, 2011. Here is a list of top 10 Cydia sources for year 2011.. SiNfuL iPhone repo contains cracks of all famous Cydia apps including iFile, BiteSMS, MyWi and Multifl0w etc. ... Probably the repo is facing some server issues. You can.
Top Five Repos - SiNfuL iPhone.
Spite 3.0 Instructions and Cydia Source. - SiNfuL iPhone.
Money Making - Sinful IPhone Repo - Tom Rydström: I can add this source now =) dazuza95: WHY CANT I ADD. u get the ads off? Firebelliedkid: @TheKillerman7series Thx mate I was all like wtf it's not working. iPhone 4 running the best Cydia Theme, Apps and Tweaks 2011 · How to Get.
January 7th, 2011 by Mojtaba Cazi. [Update 1] If the above process did not solve the problem, try to uninstall appsync then installous in. I found a source called sinfuliphonerepo and their installous works great, also many other great apps.
i cant add repo - SiNfuL iPhone.
Sinful IPhone Repo | How To Make & Do Everything!
Source Adding Problems General Firmware Discussion & Questions.. For sinfuliphonerepo, it didn't even come to ask add anyway process, so might the servers be overloaded or something? I don't. 12-28-2011, 04:43 AM.
Top 10 Best Cydia Sources of 2013 - Jaxov.