make a bluetooth dongle

make a bluetooth dongle
Super Mini Bluetooth 2.0 Adapter Dongle (Vista Compatible) - Free.Making wifi hot spot using bluetooth dongle - Daily Mobile Forum.

Test the adapter by enabling Bluetooth in your cell phone, headphones or keyboard. Follow the device's instructions to make the device discoverable. Consult.
Maks Hacks: Get Your Dualshock 3 to Work With Any Bluetooth.
How to make usb bluetooth dongle to work as a wifi? - Yahoo! Answers.
Asus BT211 Bluetooth Dongle Not Working - GTPlanet Forums. Rocketfish Rf-Mrbtad Micro Bluetooth Adapter.
make a bluetooth dongle
Mac Pro USB bluetooth dongle install?: Apple Support Communities.
May 23, 2012. I currently have a Bluetooth dongle from blackberry tuck away behind my stereo that turns on and automatically pairs with my phone when I turn.
What kind of bluetooth dongle(usb) should I get to use my Magic.
I just received this BT adapter to make up for the awful ~3ft range of the onboard bluetooth on my Asus P8Z68-V Pro/Gen3 motherboard. I can't.