chapter 39. parallel prefix sum scan with cuda

John Owens / Electrical and Computer Engineering / UC Davis.
Apr 23, 2013. In Chapter 39, "Parallel Prefix Sum (Scan) with CUDA," Mark Harris of NVIDIA and Shubhabrata Sengupta and John D. Owens of University of.
GPU Computing Gems - Google Books Result.
cudpp.h - ICMC.
CUDPP: Main Page - gpgpu.
Apr 23, 2013. In Chapter 39, "Parallel Prefix Sum (Scan) with CUDA," Mark Harris of NVIDIA and Shubhabrata Sengupta and John D. Owens of University of.
Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops. Our Scan + algorithm is an improved scan relying on manual work distribution. It uses. About this Chapter.
Fast and Accurate Finite-Element Multigrid Solvers for PDE. - Google Books Result.
chapter 39. parallel prefix sum scan with cuda
OpenGL Insights - Google Books Result.
Apr 23, 2013. In Chapter 39, "Parallel Prefix Sum (Scan) with CUDA," Mark Harris of NVIDIA and Shubhabrata Sengupta and John D. Owens of University of.
Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops. Our Scan + algorithm is an improved scan relying on manual work distribution. It uses. About this Chapter.
The DMM and the UMM are theoretical parallel computing models that capture the essence of the shared. Finally, we show an optimal parallel algorithm that computes the prefix-sums of n numbers in $O({nover. About this Chapter. Memory machine models; prefix-sums computation; parallel algorithm; GPU; CUDA.
chapter 39. parallel prefix sum scan with cuda
An Optimal Parallel Prefix-Sums Algorithm on the Memory Machine.Gpu Pro 4: Advanced Rendering Techniques - Google Books Result.
CUDPP is the CUDA Data Parallel Primitives Library.. This release was made to support the GPU Gems 3 article "Parallel Prefix Sum (Scan) with CUDA" (see references). In Hubert Nguyen, editor, GPU Gems 3, chapter 39, pages 851– 876.
Static GPU Threads and an Improved Scan Algorithm - Springer.
GPU Gems 3 - - Nvidia.